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Peta Petunjuk Arah Menuju Hotel V3 Veni Vidi Vici (V3) Hotel Jl. Tambak Bayan Tengah No. 17-19 Surabaya 60174 Telp. 031-531 9333 Fax. 031-531 6936 |
Welcome To V3 Hotel
Feel comfort and relax, enjoy Life.....
Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010
Peta / Petunjuk Arah Manuju Hotel V3
Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010
Welcome To V3 Hotel
Hotel V3 menampilkan suatu peristirahatan berkelas bintang tiga yang bergaya oriental klasik, tempatnya yang nyaman serta memiliki lokasi strategis. Sangat dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan besar terkenal di Surabaya seperti Pasar Atom, Mall ITC dan Pasar Turi Grosir serta dekat juga dengan kantor pemerintahan dan Stasiun kereta api Turi.
V3 Hotels featuring a classy three-star resort-style oriental classic, comfortable place and has a strategic location. Very close to major shopping center known as Pasar Atom Surabaya, ITC and Pasar Turi Mall Grocery and also near with government offices and railway stations Turi.
Menawarkan fasilitas kenyamanan dengan 224 kamar dengan pemandangan taman yang indah di tengah-tengah hotel, sangat menenangkan untuk ditempati. Tidak lupa juga tersedia fasilitas ruangan spa, sauna serta pijat untuk tamu hotel yang ingin memanjakan diri sambil melepaskan kepenatan dan ingin merasakan kenikmatan relaksasi yang eksklusif.
Offering leisure facilities with 224 rooms overlooking the beautiful garden in the middle of the hotel, very soothing to be occupied. Not forgetting also available room spa facilities, sauna and massages for hotel guests who want to pamper yourself pulling off fatigue and want to feel the pleasure of exclusive relaxation.
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In Front Room Hotel V3 |
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Lotus Ballroom |
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Wedding Seat at Lotus Ballroom |
Ruang pertemuan dengan kapasitas besar, juga disediakan oleh Hotel V3, dapat diselenggarakan bagi resepsi pernikahan, pertemuan-pertemuan akhbar, pentas kebudayaan dapat menampung tamu hingga + 1500 orang untuk Lotus Ballroom yang memiliki fasilitas tampilan atap Lotus Ballroom yang luar biasa indahnya mempunyai bunga-bunga Lotus yang tertempel diatap Lotus Ballroom. Pencahayaan (lighting) dan suara (sound) spektakuler. Tak lupa pula terdapat 3 desain berbeda untuk ruang rapat yaitu Tulip, Orchid dan Rose yang semuanya mempunyai luas sama yaitu 9x4x3 meter dan tiap-tiap ruang mempunyai kapasitas hingga 24 orang. Adapula Bougenvile Room dan Jasmine Room sedangkan Bougenvile Room yang luasnya 15x12x3 meter yang berkapasitas + 400 orang dan Jasmine Room luasnya 32x18x3 meter berkapasitas + 300 orang.
Meeting room with large capacity, is also provided by Hotel V3, can be held for wedding receptions, meetings akhbar, cultural performances to accommodate guests up to + 1500 people to Lotus Ballroom, which has a rooftop view Lotus Ballroom facilities which have magnificent flowers Lotus, Lotus Ballroom roof mounted. Lighting and sound spectacular. Do not forget there are 3 different designs for the conference room of Tulip, Orchid and Rose who all have the same area that is 9x4x3 feet, and each room has a capacity of up to 24 people. There is also Bougenvile Room and Jasmine Room while Bougenvile Room 15x12x3 meters wide with a capacity of + 400 people and Jasmine Room 32x18x3 meters wide with a capacity of + 300.
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Meeting Room at Jasmine Room |
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Meeting Room at Jasmine Room |
Hotel V3 juga menyediakan hiburan serta kenyamanan di ruang karaoke yang membawa anda menikmati suasana gembira melantunkan lagu-lagu kesukaan anda, internet WI-FI, restaurant, bar, lobby, pijat dan refleksi dan spa. Tidak lupa pula fasilitas kamar tersedia TV berwarna, multi channel, AC, kamar mandi dengan toilet dan shower serta telpon langsung.
V3 Hotel also provides entertainment and comfort in the karaoke room which takes you to enjoy the atmosphere of cheerful singing your favorite songs, Internet WI-FI, restaurant, bar, lobby, massage and reflexology and spa. Not forgetting also facilities available room color TV, multi-channel, air conditioning, bathroom with toilet and shower and direct telephone.
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Deluxe Twin |
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Deluxe Double |
Harga Kamar
Deluxe Room Rp 275.000,- nett , Suite Room Rp 400.000,- nett, termasuk makan pagi (perorangan atau berpasangan), harga termasuk pajak pemerintah dan pelayanan hotel.
Room Rates
Deluxe Room Rp 275.000, - nett, Suite Room Rp 400.000, - nett, including breakfast (individually or in pairs), price including government tax and hotel service.
Deluxe Room Rp 275.000, - nett, Suite Room Rp 400.000, - nett, including breakfast (individually or in pairs), price including government tax and hotel service.
Postingan (Atom)
Welcome To V3 Hotel
- V3 Hotel adalah Hotel bernuansa Oriental Klasik
- Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
- Hotel V3 manawarkan akomodasi bintang tiga di Surabaya yang bernuansa klasik oriental, berlokasi dekat dengan Tugu Pahlawan, Arena Perbelanjaan, Kantor Gubernur, Pusat Bisnis dan Perdagangan, Stasiun Kereta Api, maupun pelabuhan Tanjung Perak.